Terms and Conditions

General Information

Please be aware that all persons joining the Westcountry Porsche Drivers Club agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Westcountry Porsche Drivers Club, is a trading name of WCPDC Ltd

WCPDC Ltd events are social driving adventures and are NOT races, rallies, time trials, or competitive events in any way!

The Club does not sell fully guided tours to our customers. We do provide a lead car that will leave each day at a published time that you are free to follow if you wish. The lead car will follow the planned route, using google maps, stopping off at key points along the way. Please be aware that routes are subject to change without prior notice if conditions won’t allow the original route to be followed or mapping system problems.

We provide google maps routes with waypoints to help you navigate the suggested routes. It is your responsibility to have a suitable device that can use google maps on a hands free basis. You are of course entirely free to follow any route of your choosing, and we will meet up later at the destination.


Participants must conduct themselves sensibly, acting responsibly and appropriately at all times. You must always drive safely and with respect for other road users, as well as your fellow tour participants. 

Hot tarmac and hot tyres = Stone chips. Therefore please refrain from tailgating when in convoy, give each other plenty of room, and you will help save your car from any unnecessary damage. 

In no way are you to compete with other tour participants, you are responsible for your own behaviour and driving standards. WCPDC Ltd cannot be held responsible by you or any 3rd party for participating in any illegal or antisocial behaviour.

You must not drive under the influence of alcohol (or any other intoxicating substance), or drive if your ability to do so is compromised by illness, tiredness, or any other condition. Driving is tiring, always remember Tiredness can kill – Please take regular breaks.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, WCPDC Ltd declines liability in any accident caused by or to participants and their vehicles during the whole of any driving event. 

Anyone deemed by WCPDC Ltd to be driving dangerously or recklessly will be immediately excluded from further participation in the club! You will also be refused further participation in the driving event if you violate any of the rules set out in these Terms and conditions or you refuse to follow instructions given to you on the driving event by directors and employees of WCPDC Ltd. In both cases, no refund will be given.


Participants must comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the country in which they are travelling. This includes, without exception, all speed regulations, laws of the road and laws relating to the safety of your vehicle.

It is your responsibility to make sure you are fully up to date with the driving requirements for the UK and on the odd occasion the club my visit other country’s. These may include an original car registration and insurance document when travelling in Europe. There is also certain safety equipment that you are required to carry, including warning triangles, high visibility jackets and alcohol Breathalyzer kits. This list isn’t exhaustive, so please ensure you check with local authorities as to what is required.


All drivers must be over the age of 17 and hold a full and valid driving licence.

Participants are responsible for ensuring their vehicles are properly licensed to drive on public highways, within the specifications required in the country of travel.


Adequate vehicle insurance MUST be obtained to cover you and your passengers for the duration of the events. Appropriate insurance includes, without limitation, FULL COMPREHENSIVE motor insurance including driving overseas cover if going abroad. If you are unsure in any way what you are covered for, please check with your car insurance company before booking the trip.

Please note we do not include any mechanic support and do not have a breakdown recovery service available during the event. Please ensure you have the appropriate breakdown cover.

WCPDC Ltd recommends that you have a suitable vehicle breakdown policy in place for the UK and countries you will visit with the club. WCPDC Ltd cannot be held liable for any loss of event time or hotel bookings missed, caused by vehicle breakdowns.


WCPDC Ltd accepts no responsibility for the consequences of you being refused entrance or exit in or out of any country during an event, including any costs incurred by you. This is solely the participant’s responsibility.

You must notify WCPDC Ltd at the time of booking your driving event about any medical conditions you suffer from and about which they might reasonably need to know e.g. allergic reactions, diabetes, epilepsy etc.

Participants shall be held responsible for any accident or breach of the laws in which they may be involved and shall declare to WCPDC Ltd particulars of any such incident from which liability may arise and, to the fullest extent permitted by law, shall have no claim against WCPDC Ltd arising out of any act or omission of WCPDC Ltd, its servants, agents or officials during your driving event.

You agree to indemnify WCPDC Ltd and be bound by the terms laid out in the Indemnity clause in the T&Cs below


WCPDC Ltd reserves the right to cancel an even if it cannot proceed for any reason. You will be offered a place on an alternative event (subject to availability). with all, if any monies being transferred to your chosen event, or if you prefer you will be entitled to a full refund of any monies you have paid to date to WCPDC Ltd. 

No refunds, including the deposit, will be made under any circumstances if at any point after you have booked an event which requires payment and you are unable to participate for any reason whatsoever.


WCPDC Ltd cannot accept liability or refund monies if the tour has to be amended or cancelled, due to any circumstances outside our control, or that we could not foresee or avoid. Such as (but not limited to) natural disasters, adverse weather conditions, train, ferry or traffic delays, airline delays or flight cancellations (where applicable), or any changes brought about by war, threat of war, riot or civil unrest, pandemic, terrorist activity or industrial disputes. 

We again advise that you take out suitable travel insurance at the time of booking to cover any losses you may incur from failure to be able to participate in your chosen event.


Whilst we sincerely hope you don’t need to make a complaint, we would very much appreciate the opportunity to put something right at the time, rather than let something develop into a problem that rears its head after the event is over. 

We want everyone to have the best time and pass that on to fellow petrol heads, and the way that a negative is handled, and can be turned into a positive, is often the best result. So please ensure you alert a member of WCPDC Ltd staff or its partners, and we will do our utmost to sort it there and then.

If you do still feel that something was wrong, and you were not satisfied with the way it was handled at the time, please put something in writing when you return home at the earliest opportunity, so we can deal with it promptly.


WCPDC Ltd may include some additional events, and whilst we take every provision to ensure they will deliver a great experience for our clients, WCPDC Ltd cannot be held responsible if members are unable to complete the experience for circumstances beyond our control.

Events that include any motorsport or dangerous activities such as go-karting, or track sessions will be bound by any third-party T&Cs you sign up for. All liability will be with the third-party company!


By signing these T&Cs you agree for WCPDC Ltd, and any associated clubs or groups, to use images shot by both our professional photographers and our representatives during an event. This includes both still photography and video footage of you and your car, that may get included on our social media channels and future promotional material associated with WCPDC Ltd.

Please advise us at the time of booking, or before participation in the tour, if you do not agree to, or do not wish to be filmed, so we can ensure your privacy, as you cannot make any retrospective claims for any breaches of privacy at a later date.


I acknowledge that I am aware of the possible RISKS, DANGERS and HAZARDS that are associated with participation in road driving events and tours, understanding the possible risk of severe or fatal injury to myself or others. 

Such risks and dangers include but are not limited to, traffic accidents, collisions with other road users or objects, the negligence of other drivers, and the hazards of driving on public highways that are to be expected. 

I further realise that participation in this road tour will require strenuous physical exertion, as participants may be required to drive for long periods at times over several days. Be aware, that at times you may be driving through adverse weather conditions, including, but not limited to, high winds, rain and the possibility of snow & ice.


You will indemnify, the event organiser, WCPDC Ltd, its directors, officers, employees and consultants against any claims, lawsuits and causes of action whatsoever or howsoever arising and brought against them by you and any third party as a result of your action or participation in the road tour, including without limitation, your violation of any laws or regulations or your breach of these Terms and Conditions of entry.

I acknowledge that by joining the Westcountry Porsche Drivers Club, I confirm that my co-driver and I have read the information containing details of the event and that I/we have read and agreed to be bound by the T&Cs laid out in this entry form, especially but not limited to those regarding speed and safety. 

I understand that WCPDC Ltd events are not race rallies or speed trials.

I have noted and agreed to be bound by the requirement in the T&Cs that each car must have the legally required insurance covering their passenger, themselves and their car for travel on their chosen event.

I acknowledge that you, WCPDC Ltd, provide no cover (whether by way of insurance or otherwise) for cancellation or abandonment in full or in part for any reason, death, personal injury, third-party medical expenses, loss of earnings (actual or anticipated) or any loss of whatever nature.

I assure WCPDC Ltd that I am in good health and have no adverse medical condition. 

I acknowledge that there exist inherent risks in participating in a WCPDC Ltd driving event. I acknowledge the danger of any adventure travel activity, including but not limited to dangers in general road driving, forces of nature, civil unrest, terrorism, accident or illness without means for rapid evacuation or medical facilities. 

I understand that in the event of my suffering any personal injury or death (other than personal injury or death caused by the negligence of WCPDC Ltd) or any damage being caused to any property of mine I will not bring any action or other proceedings against WCPDC Ltd, its directors, agents, employees, licensees or assigns, event sponsors, or any company or persons associated with WCPDC Ltd. 

I understand that WCPDC Ltd will use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that the other participants abide by these rules but cannot guarantee that this will be done. 

I hereby indemnify WCPDC Ltd, its directors and employees from any third-party claim sustained in connection with or as a result of my participation in an event. 

Accordingly, I undertake that in consideration of accepting my entry to the Westcountry Porsche Drivers Club I indemnify WCPDC Ltd from all claims, all sums of money whether for damages, costs, charges, or expenses, or otherwise which you may now or hereafter be liable to pay, incur or sustain in connection with or as a result of my participation in a WCPDC Ltd driving event.


These terms and conditions, and your participation in an event is governed by English law and you submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England.