Westcountry Porsche Drivers Club Visit Sanctioned UK Car Show

21 Club Cars attended

Augusts sanctioned UK car meet at the Matford Centre Marsh Barton was well attended by the Westcountry Porsche drivers club. We had 19 cars displayed outside and two made it to the indoor arena.

The event being sponsored by Porsche meant there was plenty of Porsche attending, ranging in age and colours making it quite a spectacular event. Sadly despite giving them details of our attendance numbers the area originally marked out for the club was not big enough, so we moved to the back of the paddock where we had plenty of room to spread out the cars and get the flags up and put on a great display with what turned out to be a beautiful day

Many of us weren’t quick enough for the bacon sarnies Trevor had made full use of getting his car parked inside and near them! However the VIP lounge for the Porsche owners had various foods throughout the day and we had to make do with pastries and sandwiches we also picked up some new members as owners got to see the club presence.

By Martin Josey
